The First Annual Broadway Theatre Project Festival!
The 2009 session of Broadway Theatre Project culminates in an exciting new festival that will take place at the University of South Florida from July 30th to August 1st. Four performances are scheduled to take place at this year’s Festival. Two performances will feature the work of BTP Apprentices in classic and modern musical theatre pieces. These original numbers will be directed and choreographed by BTP faculty members and presented on evenings of July 31st and August 1st.
The Festival will also feature seminars designed to help young artists and their families navigate the business side of a career in the arts. Jed Bernstein, producer and former President of the League of American Theatres and Producers, Broadway casting director, Dave Clemmons as well as Peak Performance coach Dr. Denise Federer will lead these seminars. There will also be an opportunity for students to be observed while in class and parents to have the opportunity to take classes.
Festival tickets are available at Ticketmaster and can be purchased for individual performances or for the entire festival.